Chartered Financial Consultant


Tending Your Money Garden: a book obituary

                I could write a book about my book, but you’ll have to settle for a chapter.                 In the spring of 1997 I started to rewrite and expand my …

Why Does the Stock Market Go Down? Why Does the Stock Market Go Up?

Disclaimer:  This commentary is based on nothing other than my observations from following the stock market for over 50 years.  Even as a teenager I owned some stocks and was …

“So, When are You Going to Retire?”

            This is a question I’m often asked.  Instead of my usual flippant reply, I thought I’d provide a more thoughtful response.           This was supposed to be the …

The Unemployment Dilemma

The official unemployment rate has been hovering at about 8.2% during 2012, but it’s down from its recent peak 10.3% in October of 2009 (Source: National Conference of State Legislatures). …

The Sixties…Not those Sixties. It’s a Great Time for Financial Strategizing.

For most of your adult life, doing wise financial planning is a good idea, but you don’t always have many options.  When you approach your retirement years, usually starting in …

The Merry-Go-Round Stock Market

            The Stock Market can be frustrating when it’s in its merry-go-round phase.  It goes up and down, around and around, never go anywhere.  In early September of 2014, …

What’s Up (or Down) with the Stock Market

As I write this on, Wednesday, August 26th, the stock market is up following six consecutive days of declines.  This hasn’t happened since 2009, and August looks like it might …

Happy Birthday Social Security

Social Security is about to celebrate its 80th birthday.  Born in the heart of the Great Depression, it has survived wars, economic crises, social upheaval and Republican Presidential candidates.  What …

Tax Surprises Coming?

It’s good news when the stock market goes up steadily for over five years*, but there is a downside—income taxes eventually need to be paid on those gains. Massive market …

The Challenges of Writing My Quarterly Commentary

To grow old is to gradually cease to understand the times you live in.  – Norm Fisher (quoted in the November 2014  Shabala Sun magazine) Can any of you relate …