Chartered Financial Consultant


The Challenges of Writing My Quarterly Commentary

To grow old is to gradually cease to understand the times you live in. 

– Norm Fisher (quoted in the November 2014  Shabala Sun magazine)

Can any of you relate to this? Are you as bewildered by technology as I am?
I’m experiencing many techo-challenges lately, including not wanting to write my periodic website update that you are now reading.  Maybe technology angst is just my newest excuse for procrastination.  I recently discovered my first client newsletter (Spring of 1994) with a different excuse:

“Finally, in late February, I had to commute nightly to Lillehammer to compete in the Luge Dancing Olympic competition.  As you may have seen on TV, I had the bronze medal firmly in my grasp until the judge from Uzbekistan gave me those incredibly low marks for style.”

I wrote and mailed my four-page newsletter for fourteen years.  The final paper copy (November of 2008.  #45) was titled, “President Barack Obama, How Cool, I Hope.”  Unfortunately my hope cooled rather quickly after that.  That’s also when I started emailing my commentaries and posting them to my website.  This saved money, lots of time, and paper, but most were not as cool as my low-tech newsletters were.

Norm Fisher’s quote reminded me of my on-going challenges with technology.  I passively use Facebook, though I know being more active is good for business and keeps me better in touch with old friends.  I’m on LinkedIn, but rarely link.  I don’t Tweet, and I have no idea what Instagram is.  I don’t consume much social media and contribute to it even less.  I hope to change that.

I’m writing this commentary about writing this commentary to prod myself to communicate with you more frequently, possibly monthly, even when it is just a few paragraphs.  It might be thoughts about the stock market, reassuring words in a time of anxiety, sharing an interesting article, or promoting a coming photo show.

Naturally, please let me know if you want to be taken off this mailing list.

May peace be with you and may you never forget your complex passwords.

Bob Dreizler

Bob Dreizler